Scam Alert

Looking for a Frenchie puppy? Be cautious of classified ads for French Bulldogs at prices that are too good to be true, or from an unknown source.
If in doubt do contact the club for advice.
Protect yourself
- Be cautious – if the advertised price of a pedigree puppy looks too good to be true, it probably is.
- Don’t trust the legitimacy of an ad just because it appears in a reputable newspaper or online classifieds website – scammers often use these.
- Avoid any arrangement with a stranger that asks for up-front payment via money order, wire transfer or moneygram.
- Do an internet search using the exact wording in the ad – many well-known scams can be found this way.
- If you are in doubt contact a reputable breeders association for advice.
- Remember: it is impossible to import a dog from overseas into Australia in a few weeks as quarantine procedures need to be followed. For details check the requirements with the Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service.”
You can report a scam to the ACCC via the report a scam page on SCAMwatch or by calling 1300 795 995.
More information
For more information about how you can protect yourself, check out SCAMwatch and go to the puppy scam alerts at