
For new and existing membership, form can be downloaded here:

Membership (click to download)


Renewal date for membership - 31 December

Financial year for membership - 1 January to 31 December


Please email only your completed form with your membership fee (EFT payment) to:

Club Secretary
[email protected]



Calling all volunteers!

We’re an inclusive club. If you like the sound of the above and want to help out, we welcome all members to join in and participate in any of our events or become involved with the general operation of the club. You don’t have to be a committee member to volunteer or assist. Simply just drop myself or the other committee members an email to find out more details.

It is said that the most precious gift you can give is time. When you give of your time, you give a little of yourself and a part of your life to our club and to this delightful breed that we all love.




Contact Details

Mechelle McFadzen - Secretary
Gladstone, QLD, Australia
Email : [email protected]